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Submission Guidelines:


  • Only CURRENTLY ENROLLED APPALACHIAN STATE STUDENTS are eligible to submit work to The Peel. You must submit using your email.

  • BELOW, please choose the appropriate category for the work you submit. Submissions are limited to 5 works per section per semester. Our 4 sections are Poetry, Prose, Visual and Sound. (Special Note: the categories Photography, Mixed Media, Illustration/Drawing etc.; all fall under ‘Visual’ section)

  • PLEASE, make the name of your file the title of your submission


Visual submissions: should be 240 DPI or higher. JPG/JPEG and PNG files are accepted. Please send a condensed version of your file if it’s larger than 5 mb. Also, please remove all watermarks.

Written submissions: should be saved as Doc or DocX files. Submissions should be 5,000 words maximum, but submissions may be edited for length for publication in the printed journal. Do not list your name on the submitted document/piece, as submissions are reviewed anonymously.

Audio/Video submissions: MP3 and WAV files are accepted, and there is no time limit. For video and animation submissions, MOV, MP4 and AVI files are accepted, and there is no time limit.


The responding student (“The Student”) who has submitted music, video, multimedia, poetry, prose, or visual artwork (“The Work”) to The Peel Literature and Arts Review (“The Peel”) agrees to the following terms and conditions:


Term I: Plagiarism: The Student verifies that The Work is The Student’s own original creation, and has not been copied, plagiarized, co-opted, or appropriated from the work of any other person. a. Submitted visual artwork must not be a tracing, a copy, or any such appropriation of another person’s artwork. b. Submitted literature must not be plagiarized, in whole or in part, from any other person’s work of poetry or prose. c. Submitted musical works may not be imitations, copies, or “covers” of another artist’s lyrics or melodies. d. The Student may not include copyrighted material from other sources in The Work. For example, submitted videos may not use copyrighted music. e. Students are allowed to submit works jointly as long as all creators of The Work are Appalachian State University students and agree to this form with their electronic signature. f. The Student may not have sold The Work to anyone else prior to submitting the work for review and possible publication. g. The Student is fully responsible for any legal action that may occur as a result of a violation of Term 1 (Plagiarism). h. The Peel is in no way liable for any legal action if The Student violates Term 1. i. The Student has obtained any model or property releases or permissions for The Work and will, upon request, furnish those written releases to The Peel. Term II: Publication Rights: The student gives full permission to the Peel Literature and Arts Review to publish The Work. a. If The Work is accepted, The Peel may publish The Work in any medium, including print and online publications. b. The Peel may use The Work in promotional materials, including social media, for The Peel, and nothing but The Peel. c. If The Work is an audio or video recording, The Student is fully responsible for having obtained release or permission from the individual or organization who recorded The Work to submit and publish The Work, and will, upon request, furnish those written releases to The Peel.
d. The Peel has permission to change the font, font size, margin and line spacing of The Work to meet graphic design needs and style of the publication.

Term III: Student’s Rights: The Student will retain full financial and creative privileges in regards to The Work, outside the scope of The Work’s publication in The Peel. a. If The Work is accepted, the student retains the right to publish The Work in any other publication. b. The Student may not seek payment from The Peel if The Peel makes creative or promotional use of The Work. c. The individual or organization who recorded The Work may not seek payment from The Peel. d. The Student retains the right to profit from The Work, as long as the student does not attempt to profit from The Work’s publication in The Peel Literature and Arts Review, or any use of The Work by The Peel.

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